Creative expression through the written word

A Silent Addiction

⚠️There’s an addiction most people suffer from and it’s never talked about….⚠️

Are you one of the many who are addicted to the feeling of LONGING? Addicted to PINING for a better life? Is your life flat and unsatisfactory because you are IGNORING your heart’s dreams?


You can put an end to this addiction by doing the following:

1. Admit to yourself and others you are caught in this addiction

2. Believing that your spiritual self can help you find the way out of this addiction

3. Making a rock solid decision to go after your dreams no matter what anyone else

thinks, feels or says

4. Determine your why for taking action and keep it in front of you at all times

5. Taking a personal inventory of the skills you have and where your weak points are so you can grow

6. Admitting to yourself all the excuses you use to stay in the “loop of longing” addiction so you can’t hide behind them anymore

7. Find a mentor to guide you and help you overcome your shortcomings

8. Embrace not knowing it all and become a willing student of self development

9. Write your dreams out in as much detail as you can and meditate on it daily.

10. Refuse to listen to those who want to keep you in the “loop of longing” addiction by telling you it can’t be done or you will never succeed.

11. Seek enlightenment from and connection with those who have already achieved what you desire

12. Give back to your community by helping others break the cycle of addiction to living in the “loop of longing”

⚠️Please note: It’s a silent and pervasive addiction that can stunt your life’s potential. Like all lifelong addictions you must remain vigilant to not slip back into the addiction behavior.



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